Friday, September 26, 2008

I heart Fall.

I really do. It's the best time of the year. I love spring as well, but with spring comes the knowledge that summer (that most wretched time of the year) is just around the corner. I know alot of people love summer. I don't. Between the mosquitoes, the sweating, and the stifling heat and humidity, It's worse by far than winter for me. AHHH, but fall with it's splendor of color and it's promise of crisp air is a glorious time to be alive. I think I'll plant a few Mums, drink some hot tea, and spend some time on my hammock perusing catalogs full of warm sweaters and wonderful clothing that covers me up and leaves ALL to the imagination. I think imagination can be quite more forgiving than a bikini!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Teen Vogue

Em's Teen Vogue cover....