Wednesday, December 24, 2008

NO....Christmas Tree

How could I have let this happen?
O.K. I did start nagging Tha General to get the tree and decorations out from under the house the weekend after Thanksgiving. He kept putting me off. I do not ever venture under the house, otherwise known as "SpiderTown". I am ridiculously afraid of spiders and anyplace that looks spider-ish. Em did offer to help and complained bitterly about not having it up. Finally they did find some time to get it out yesterday which was the 23rd. It was cold and drizzling rain. If I'd had to place odds, my bets were against them bringing it up. Sure enough in about 5 minutes they came back in and said it wasn't worth it. Frankly, I was O.K. with their decision. I know it's terrible, but while I love looking at the tree, I hate the work involved to have it up. I'm really not a Scrooge, but this year I am treeless.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Man, do I miss this dog. Raven was such a precious and special animal and I knew early on she'd break my heart, but she deserved to have that privilege. David came in one night in April 2003 from work and said he wanted Em and I to go with him to "look at a dog". Now, he is a smart man and probably knew that we would never be able to leave these adorable puppies without snatching one up for our own. He'd had a "Rottie" years before and loves the breed, but we have a small home and already it was occupied by my sweet, petite chihuahua, Chica (who deserves and will get her own blog someday) and our strange, but loved dearly cornish rex cat. I did not want another dog. REALLY I didn't, but I went. We got there and these people were nuts. They had these INSANELY aggressive rottweiler dogs and these cute little puppies all living in dirt; just fenced in dirt. Within the pups was this one, (the runt) who came right to me and she didn't want to leave. I fell in love. The kind of love that makes you do crazy things. We learned that these people didn't believe in "modern" medicine and gave these dogs herbs instead of shots (the vet said she had the worst case of worms he'd ever seen). I didn't care, we'd bonded. We paid them bunches of money and brought her home. The next morning I called David crying. She'd pooped and peed everywhere and I was not happy! I took her out in the yard and she just smiled at me. She really did smile. All the time she smiled at me. I decided I would love her and I would train her. I read books and with the family's help we trained her and she became the best pet, protecter, and friend anyone ever had. Before her first birthday we learned she had a common disease in her breed, hip dysplasia. We paid for her to have a hip surgery to keep her from being in pain. I knew from reading about her breed that dysplasia wasn't the only thing common, there was also cancer. I told David she would break my heart and in the spring of this year after only 5 1/2 years of life, my beautiful, precious shadow started getting swollen in her neck. I knew what it was. I cried and mourned before we even took her to the vet. Finally in July she looked at me and I knew she was done. She was tired and sick, and tired of being sick. We all took her to the vet and held her while she died. Man, do I miss that dog.

Friday, November 28, 2008

I can't believe it but I've taken up yet another hobby. I've learned to carve and tool leather. I think it's having a teenage daughter that inspires me. I see things she and her friends like and think, "Hmm, I could do that." So I do. But, the problem is she won't wear things I make for her. I guess because I'm her Mom. I've sold one on etsy and I'm putting more, but I think I'm probably going to end up with lots of tooled and carved leather things for my family and friends at Christmas. It's fun and like everything else I do, I'll end up with some "inventory" as David calls it. He thinks someday I'll have a shop with all my many products from hobbies and he believes in my talent so maybe he's right. For now I'm just creating and enjoying the process.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


She's creepy and she's spooky. She's altogether ookey...and that's even when she isn't dressed like Wednesday Addams. Em went to a Halloween party and her costume cost me a mere $1.99 for black lipstick. I think she looked really awesome. The only problem.....she liked the black lipstick and wonders if she could wear it to school. My answer: Nope! Keep it for Halloween, Wednesday.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I love you, Kari!!

O.K. I started this thing thinking it was probably a silly, but therapeutic outlet. I wrote my profile keeping it short and light. I really didn't think my daughter, Kari would even care if she were included. Her life is so full. She's on the short track to becoming a culinary master. She is taking and (yes I'm proud here) teaching classes. She's also a full time Mom to my two beautiful Grandsons and generally just a busy Wife, Mom, Teacher, Cook, Friend, and most important to me....Daughter. She surely doesn't have time for me and this . I was wrong. I hurt her feelings for which I am profoundly sorry, but I also know that...she's thinking of me and that makes me feel such glowing love. So, here's to my oldest daughter. I am proud of the woman she has become and thankful she's in my heart and life!! I love you, Kari.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

ShE DrIvEs Me CrAzY

Em has her learner's permit. Yippee....EEEEEKKK. Wow, two totally different reactions come to mind. After a long wait and sweaty palms, she passed her test. I took her to a parking lot nearby immediately after and turned her loose with my car. Teaching her to drive is daunting. It's an important lesson that I've given much thought too. I let her steer and use the brake. It was nerve-racking but I thought she did well for her first time. She, however, decided that she would try to live a life that did not involve having to drive herself anywhere....ever. This is a kid who didn't learn to ride a bike because she felt it was too she plays rugby. Go figure. At any rate I'm sure the allure of independence will win out and she must learn to drive. Fortunately she is taking driver's ed. and Em is one who WILL ace every class. She's determined to get an "A" and today she decided to give it another try. Her best friend came over and we went shopping and afterwards to a empty church parking lot. What a hoot. Em spent about 45 minutes driving...and yes she used the gas for the first time ever. She kept threatening to "turn this car around" if we didn't behave. We laughed and it was so much fun. She did great and I was so proud of her determination. Next step.....the road. EEEEEKKKKK.

Friday, September 26, 2008

I heart Fall.

I really do. It's the best time of the year. I love spring as well, but with spring comes the knowledge that summer (that most wretched time of the year) is just around the corner. I know alot of people love summer. I don't. Between the mosquitoes, the sweating, and the stifling heat and humidity, It's worse by far than winter for me. AHHH, but fall with it's splendor of color and it's promise of crisp air is a glorious time to be alive. I think I'll plant a few Mums, drink some hot tea, and spend some time on my hammock perusing catalogs full of warm sweaters and wonderful clothing that covers me up and leaves ALL to the imagination. I think imagination can be quite more forgiving than a bikini!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Teen Vogue

Em's Teen Vogue cover....